Garden Calander – February

In February in many coastal areas of Australia, summer humidity sets in and everything rots out from under you. This is also the month of the year when the worst lawn problems appear. In some areas the dreaded armyworm marches across entire neighbourhoods; symptoms include the browning off of huge lawn areas almost overnight. On closer inspection. small, greyish caterpillars can be found in tunnels just below the soil surface. Often, flocks of galahs or even starlings are blamed for the damage, but in fact these birds help by eating the armyworms.

• In coastal areas, powdery mildew Will be on the increase. This causes a talc like coating on leaves and, later, dieback of roses, crepe myrtles, cucumbers, zucchinis, pumpkins, grapes, fuchsias and anything else that happens to be lying around. To control this problem, spray with Benlate(not organic). Organic option would be milk.

• This is the last month (in non-tropical areas) to plant warm climate plants such as hibiscus, bougainvillea and frangipani. Later planting may causeQueensland Fruit Fly problems.

• Watch out for fruit fly in central and northern areas; to control, spray with Lebaycid or Chemspray Fruit Fly Kit. Organic option is netting or fruit fly lure.

• Take a look at your native shrubs-if they have finished flowering and look a little scruffy, prune lightly all over. This helps them to live longer, look better and flower more.

• To control severe infestations of armyworms, spray with Carbaryl(Organic use neem)-and keep the galahs away for a few days. Fungal diseases in lawns, which appear as small, often dead patches, can be sprayed with Daconil or Mancozeb(Use organic fungicide). Don’t overwater, as this helps diseases to spread. Black beetles rarely do much damage, but in severe cases and as a last resort use any of the lawn beetle chemicals that are available.

CITRUSAfrican Violet
• Fertilise citrus trees. Citrus will bravely fruit until they exhaust themselves and the surrounding soil, leading to die-back, collar rot etc, so get some chook manure or citrus food. Apply the manure as a surface mulch 1cm (0.5”) thick to the width of the branches (but keep it back 10cm/4″ from the trunk) and water in well with a sprinkler. A light application of trace elements, particularly in sandy soil areas, will help to make the fruit taste sweeter and the tree itself to resist disease and insect attack.

• Keep weeds and lawns away from the trunks of citrus trees. As well as competing for food and water, grass and weeds can hide problems such as collar rot, which affect the citrus trunk at ground level.

• This is a good time to fertilise. For year round feeding use nine-month Osmocote, Nutricote or Selley’s spikes, and for a quick boost use Nitrosol or Fish Emulsion. Always water well when you apply fertiliser.

• Either don’t bother to feed African violets or use African violet food only, and don’t overwater.

• Wok enthusiasts can plant snow peas, sugar snap peas and Chinese cabbage, all of which are really worthwhile. Purists who need lots of exercise might consider growing potatoes. This is also the time for beans, peas, broccoli, carrots, beetroot, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower and tomatoes (in warmer areas).

• Flowering annuals to plant include violas, pansies, cinerarias and primulas.

Reference: Mr Don Burke

What About Salt Intake?

Commonly fat and sugar intake are looked at first but going over the RDI for salt is very easy. The USA government recommends a maximum of 6g of salt per day for adults, 5g a day for children aged 7-10 and 3g for children aged 4-6. The amount of salt consumed in one fast food meal is more than twice the daily limit for an adult and four times the daily limit of a six year old.
A family meal from KFC – consisting of eight mini breast fillets, two regular popcorn chicken portions, four regular fries, a large portion of BBQ beans, a large coleslaw and a 1.5 litre Pepsi shared equally between four – could contain 5.2g of salt per person.

Of meal combinations aimed specifically at children, the salt content varied from 4.3g of salt in a Pizza Hut chicken wrap and a soft drink to 0.6g in a McDonald’s Happy Meal of chicken nuggets and a fruit bag.
According to the Cash survey, a family of four sharing a Pizza Hut meal deal – consisting of one Cheesy Bites Meat Feast, one medium Super Supreme, a portion of garlic bread, a portion of potato wedges, chicken wings, and a cheesecake dessert – could eat 12.3g of salt each.

Full Article at BBC News

Chocolate, Cheese, Meat, and Sugar – Physically Addictive Foods

Neal Barnard MD discusses the science behind food additions. Willpower is not to blame: chocolate, cheese, meat, and sugar release opiate-like substances. Dr. Barnard also discusses how industry, aided by government, exploits these natural cravings, pushing us to eat more and more unhealthy foods. A plant-based (vegan) diet is the solution to avoid many of these problems. Neal Barnard is the founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM).You need to have flashplayer enabled to watch this Google video

How to make kimchi

How to make kimchi using western type cabbage and not using Chinese cabbage.
Main Ingredients
1/2 a cabbage, 150g small green onion, 1/2 cup sea salt, a bit of water

1/2 cup powdered red pepper, 3 tablespoons water, 5 tablespoons minced garlic, 3 tablespoons minced ginger, 1/2 cup fish sauce, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon flour, and 1 cup water

Cooking procedures
1. Cut and discard the head of the cabbage and chop the remainder into edible sizes. Sprinkle with salt and water and let it sit for 1~2 hours.
2. Mix the flour with water and stir it over heat until the mixture thickens. Let it cool.
3. Chop the small green onions into 4~5cm pieces.
4. Mix the seasoning ingredients.
5. Run the cabbage under cold water. Dry the cabbage of all moisture and mix it with the seasoning.
6. Mix the small green onions withthe seasoned cabbage. Combine leftover seasoning from the bowl with water and pour it over the kimchi.
7. If you’re cooking this in the summer, ferment it for 10 hours. If it’s winter, ferment it for 2 days and keep it in a refrigerator.

How To Make Naan Bread

* 1 tsp dried active yeast * 1 tsp demerara sugar * 200 g plain flour * ¼ tsp salt * ½ tsp baking powder * 1 Tbsp vegetable oil * 2 Tbsp natural yoghurt * 2 Tbsp milk * 1 small bowl * 1 teaspoon * 1 tablespoon * 1 mixing bowl * 1 rolling pin * 1 oven tray * 1 pastry brush * 1 tea towel.You need to have flashplayer enabled to watch this Google video