Short 10 minute video explaining the changing weather in Greenland and the mini ice age. It is similar to The Great Global Warming Swindle video From The Soil Up Comments on The Global Warming Swindle .
Tag: global warming
Why is Climate Change not Debated?
Shouldn’t debate on climate change be put through the same scrutiny as other scientific debates? Climate change could effect us all and all the evidence should be considered. 20/20 look into some simple questions.
Why Don’t People Talk About Global Dimming Anymore?
With all the talk about global warming what happen to the ozone layer and global dimming? Have these problems disappeared and global warming the new flavour of the month?
Exposed The Climate Of Fear
A very interesting expose air on CNN about global warming. It demonstrate the lies that Al Gore use to impose a global tax on us and the TRUTH about global warming.
TED talk Bjorn Lomborg
Even if man made climate is real it is a long way down the list of problems in the world to fix.
Economist Bjorn Lomborg makes a persuasive case for prioritizing the world’s biggest problems, asking “If we had $50 billion to spend over the next four years to do good in the world, where should we spend it?” His recommendations – based on the findings of the 2004 Copenhagen Consensus – controversially place global warming at the bottom of the list (and AIDS prevention at the top). Lomborg was named one of the 100 Most Influential People by Time magazine after the publication of his controversial book, The Skeptical Environmentalist which challenged widely-held beliefs that the environment is getting worse. Now the Danish economist is taking on the world’s biggest problems with his Copenhagen Consensus. (Recorded February 2005 in Monterey, CA. Duration: 17:27)”