Dr Whiting on Systemic Candida, Yeast Infections

There is probably more misinformation about yeast infections and candida albicans than almost any health topic. Yeast diets, candida diets, along with special herbal formulas for combating yeast and candida infections abound. Yet after 30 years in the nutrition field, we have found very few of these to be effective. Research shows that women, following yeast diets and candida diets, obtain some relief from their symptoms, yet as soon as they go off the restricted diet, their yeast infection and candida symptoms return almost immediately. The only substance ever shown to actually destroy the candida and yeast organism on contact is oxygen. Oral oxygen has proven to be very effective in eliminating yeast infections and candida. Candida diets do not eliminate candida or yeast. Candida diets help reduce the symptoms of candida or yeast, but will not cure the problem. When oral oxygen is used candida diets become unnecessary. Buffered oral oxygen is the only safe way to raise the oxygen levels, but you must take the right formula in order for it to be safe and effective. The Institute of Nutritional Science offers a formulation, which has been used for over 20 years in eliminating systemic candida and yeast without the use of dangerous drugs and ineffective diets. Preventing Candida Overgrowth from Re-Occurring Now that you are once again enjoying a healthier state of being and the synergistic balance of bacteria has been restored to your intestinal tract, it is important to understand what you need to do to ensure that you don’t become affected by this problem again in the future. If you need to take antibiotics again, for any reason, do so if needed, but always, always, always, re-implant the healthy bacteria back into the intestines by taking high potency Acidophilus capsules for 10 days after the last day of antibiotic use. If you are female and taking birth control pills, be sure and either consume bacterial foods such as yogurt, buttermilk, or take 2 to 4 capsules of multi-source Acidophilus capsules every day. If you should develop a localized vaginal yeast infection, use three ounces of our premixed oxygen liquid together with 3 ounces of warm water and douche, holding the fluid for 5 to 10 minutes, three times per week. This will likely, catch the problem before it has the chance to spread and once again become Systemic in nature. Males, if you should develop ‘jock itch’, or other fungal type of skin condition. Wash the genital area with a three percent Hydrogen Peroxide solution, available at drug stores, before and after every intercourse. Lastly, everyone, regardless of your age or health concerns, should be taking a Full Spectrum Nutrition product, which provides the body with at least the 122 known nutrients the body needs to maintain health and internal chemical balance.

Selenium Linked to Diabetes if you take 200 micrograms each day. Selenium benefits may outweigh potential problems in some cases.

An analysis of data from a large national study found that people who took a 200 microgram selenium supplement each day for almost eight years had an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who took a placebo or dummy pill. The data came from the Nutritional Prevention of Cancer Trial (NPC), a large randomized, multi-center, clinical trial from the eastern United States, designed to evaluate whether selenium supplements prevent skin cancer. In the current study, researchers selected 1,202 participants who did not have diabetes when they were enrolled in the NPC Trial. In the current study, 58 out of 600 participants in the selenium group and 39 out of 602 participants in the placebo group developed type 2 diabetes. After 7.7 years of follow-up, the relative risk rate was approximately 50 percent higher among those randomized to selenium than among those randomized to placebo. Selenium is a naturally occurring trace mineral present in soil and foods necessary in minute amounts to aid in metabolism.

What the Deal with Organic Foods?

Nutrition by Natalie

What is the difference between organic food and conventional food? Is organic really more healthy for you?

The USDA lays out certain guidelines that farms have to follow in order to be able to claim the food is organic. In this video Natalie discusses what each of those guidelines are.

What is surprising to learn is some of the growing practices of conventional farming and food processing. As an example, chemical plants and waste water treatment facilities will actually sell their toxic waist to conventional farms to use for fertilizer.

What you eat is an important part of health and nutrition.

Sally Fallon DVD “Health, Beauty and Strength with Nourishing Traditional Diets”

Watch the first nine mintes of the 3 DVD Set: Five Hours of Important Information on Diet & Health Based on the Best-Selling Cookbook “Nourishing Traditions” by Sally Fallon. Learn from nutrition expert Sally Fallon about the pioneering work of Dr. Weston A. Price; the vital role of animal fats in human nutrition; the dangers of modern vegetable oils; the safety and health benefits of raw milk; the dark side of modern soy foods; and practical steps to change your diet for the better.You need to have flashplayer enabled to watch this Google video