This book provides valuable information on using olive leaf extract to fight invading bacteria, viruses, fungi and other harmful microbes.
Fighting microbes with Olive Leaf Extract
It is no secret that pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses can cause serious health dangers in humans. With modern medicine’s struggle to develop more powerful drugs to fight these microbes there are natural alternative like olive leaf extract that need to be looked at more closely.
Olive leaf extract is a natural, safe and effective product with powerful anti-microbial properties. In the below book there is more on olive leaf’s therapeutic abilities, past use, and safety.
Click on the link below to read the book or right click on the link and choose “save as” to save a copy. Olive Leaf Extract Book
This is a lecture by Jeffrey Smith, in which he summarizes the contents of this book. It’s not only informative, but amusing, because he casts a joke here and there.
Startling documentary shows evidence of brain damage from Mercury in silver amalgam fillings. Nothing has been done by the Dental establishments since this aired, so just shows you ! The scary bit is when a school girl is tested using a mercury detector which shows mercury vapour leaking from her tooth. Then she rubs it to simulate chewing, and the needle goes off the scale. This from one filling, scary ! I will have mine removed by a qualified dentist and replaced with gold fillings which are harmless. Most dentists who deny mercury is harmful, will remove them without precautions and can cause a relapse or an equivalent of over 10 years mercury exposure in one go if they drill them out, so be sure to search out and go to a qualified dentist who uses the correct procedures to remove & replace them with safe alternatives, if you think you need to remove them, or else leave them in if they need replacing soon, and just get gold fillings next time. The IAOMT gives guidelines for the removal of mercury amalgam fillings in a safe way, as you will need to go on a mercury detox program before and after taking them out to rid your body of the amount of mercury you will absorb during extraction, as no matter how many precautions taken, you will still be exposed to very high levels, so will need detox; or take Cilantro & chlorella tablets or make a recipe using those plants, but be careful, research this well if you decide to take action, as you can do more harm than good if you don’t know what you are doing, you have been warned. It’s a very serious matter and some who have had them removed by irresponsible dentists or quacks cashing in on this, have suffered greatly! Apparently President Reagan heard of the dangers and got all his removed removed and shortly after developed Alzheimers. Whether this was going to happen, or the high level mercury exposure during improper removal or detox caused this, will need to be looked into. I can’t be responsible and so assume no responsibility for people who get their mercury amalgam fillings removed and suffer serious consequences, as you must do your research, and find out, & ask questions to safeguard your health.
Watch the first nine mintes of the 3 DVD Set: Five Hours of Important Information on Diet & Health Based on the Best-Selling Cookbook “Nourishing Traditions” by Sally Fallon. Learn from nutrition expert Sally Fallon about the pioneering work of Dr. Weston A. Price; the vital role of animal fats in human nutrition; the dangers of modern vegetable oils; the safety and health benefits of raw milk; the dark side of modern soy foods; and practical steps to change your diet for the better.