A documentary on the link between chemical toxins and cancer.
Tag: cancer
Another DCA video – Scientists cure cancer, but no one takes notice
So, why haven’t the media picked up on it? Here’s the big catch. Pharmaceutical companies probably won’t invest in research into DCA because they won’t profit from it. It’s easy to make, unpatented and could be added to drinking water. Imagine, Gatorade with cancer control.
Dichloroacetate (DCA) – Cure for Cancer ?
Cancer treatment that isn’t linked to large corporations.
Vitamin C Cancer Treatment
Vitamin C in high doses is now being used to treat cancer.
Free Mini-documentary from Merge Medicine exploring the issue of Mercury Amalgam poisoning. When Kelly G., A five-time cancer survivor, meets Anita Vazquez Tibau, a consumer activist and adult onset asthma victim, they unite, determined to get to the roots of the highly debated mercury issue which they believe may also be the roots of their own chronic health problems. After watching Government agencies continually debate whether a poison is a poison or not, they take a crew out on the road to uncover the truth about mercury. Armed with mercury vapor machines this group of unlikely heroes travels the world on the Open Your Mouth Tour. From trailer parks to Congress and even the United Nations, they connect with leaders, buck the system and bring together the M TEAM, led by none other than dc public interest attorney, Charlie brown. They are guaranteed to make you think, make you laugh and rattle your fillings while they search for the solutions.