Easy Upgrade from Zen Cart v1.5.0 to v1.5.1 ONLY

  • Make sure you have notes on core files you have edited or backup the changed files below. Download the files here.
  • Upload /admin/ to your personal admin directory and overwrite the existing files.
  • Upload the rest of the files overwriting the existing files.
  • Backup database in Myphpadmin (I do custom export via compress gzip) or install this extension http://www.zen-cart.com/downloads.php?do=file&id=7 (Make sure you do this encase something goes wrong)
  • Go to www.yoursite.com/zc_install/
  • Click Continue
  • Click I agree->Continue
  • There will be errors with permissions and missing files go to bottom and click the “Database Upgrade” button.
  • Noramlly just need to put in your Zen Cart admin login and password and click the “Update Database Now” button.
  • Delete /zc_install/ folder and login to frontend and admin to check everything.
  • Delete the below 2 files


Changed Files
/admin/includes/dist-configure.php (this is ONLY a basic example file, and is not used by a live store, so doesn’t need upgrading on a live site)



/includes/dist-configure.php (this is ONLY a basic example file, and is not used by a live store, so doesn’t need upgrading on a live site)
/includes/templates/template_default/css/CSS_read_me.txt (just a help-text file)
/includes/templates/template_default/jscript/on_load/read_me.txt (just a help-text file)
/includes/templates/template_default/jscript/read_me.txt (just a help-text file)

/zc_install/ … assume *all* of /zc_install/ has changed

If you did run Query Cache http://www.data-diggers.com/links-to-query-cache-query-log-uti-and-others/ remove all these files/edits.

Postage Address Labels

If you send a bit of postage a Dymo printer is ideal as you can quickly print one address label or multiple. My hand writing is shocking also 🙂 It is a thermal printer so it uses no ink and the printer only costs about $150.  If you head over to http://ausxmods.com.au/dymo-compatible-labels you can get the compatible labels at a great price compared to the original label price.  These labels even work on the new Dymo printers. Chris at AUSXMODS has great service also and you won’t be disappointed.